Gen Z Sharing Life All Online. A Generation of Complete Personal Data

Have you ever stopped to think about all the things that didn’t exist when you were a kid but take for granted now? Or all the things that you’ve never used but your parents and grandparents take for granted? Boomers for example never knew a world without cars. Gen X never knew a world without TV. Millennials grew up in a world where video game consoles and compact discs were common. Gen Z, the zoomers, may well go their whole lives without ever putting a disc of any kind into a player. Why? Because they have never known a world without the internet. When they were born, their Gen X and Millennial parents were already getting most of their information and starting to do a large part of their shopping online from their laptops and early smartphones. Now, we just call them phones. Gen Z doesn’t just shop and get their info online, they do everything there. They get their music, movies, books (for those fortunate few who still read) and the rest of their entertainment online. In the wake of COVID, most o
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