Cloud Computing Brings New State of the Art Data Science

The global data cloud is growing and doing so at an ever-increasing rate. In fact, it’s being predicted that the “global datasphere” is going to hit 175 zettabytes by 2025. How much is that? Enough for a few lifetimes of HD movies. Naturally, as the datasphere gets larger, so does the task of managing and securing it all. We’ve remarked a few times in this space how cloud computing, while already growing before COVID, has exploded, driving the construction of new servers all over the country and the increased adoption of new cloud-based programs like Zoom, which has gone from obscurity to a household name nearly overnight. The rise of the cloud has also created opportunities for those with an entrepreneurial spirit. Without the need to develop and maintain massive server racks themselves, a startup with access to a desk and a laptop can compete in a number of different spaces that would have been impossible before. Now someone in a developing country can access cloud computing resources to dev
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