A Bad Vaccine System

As most people are well aware by now, there are a number of COVID vaccines out in the wild now, with roughly a million people every day getting a shot from one of them. That’s quite the accomplishment given that a year ago today, many people believed any sort of vaccine was likely impossible, to say nothing of getting one by the end of 2020. Thanks to a lot of hard work and the clearing of administrative roadblocks made possible by Operation Warp Speed, we have not one, not two, but actually four out there getting distributed. While the development of so many new vaccines in so short a time is impressive, another daunting task is to actually manage all the data related to the distribution of those vaccines. Which groups should get it first? Who has had it and who still needs it? Who has had one shot and who has had two? What sort of side effects might arise after taking the shot? All of these are important data points to keep track of. The CDC in Atlanta recognized this and set about ensuring that a s
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