AI Artificial Intelligence Learning and Reading Human Symbols Part 5

Here we are at part five (or is it 50?) of our series on training Artificial Intelligence how to work with symbols, how to recognize and interpret them. Today, we are going to continue to wrestle with whether or not the method of training AI to do this should be based on agreed upon cultural standards or a universal standard. The truth is this, it is a difficult topic to contend with. Normally, it would definitely be preferable to go with a truly universal standard of interpretation. However, it has to be admitted that interpreting symbols presents unique challenges in that regard. This is because much of the meaning in nearly any symbol is dependent on the local culture. It also depends greatly on one’s view within that culture.  Look back on the swastika that we discussed some time ago. Pretty much everyone agrees that what the Nazis stood for is evil and that the swastika is a symbol of all that evil. Yet, the Nazis didn’t regard their actions as evil, they regarded themselves as the good guys. Then
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