Everyday Chaos: Technology, Complexity, and How We’re Thriving in a New World of Possibility

Technology is quickly becoming the backbone of modern infrastructure. At the pace that it is progressing, it may someday become as ubiquitous and as vital to our economy as cement and concrete. However, AI is agnostic. Despite its immense computing capabilities, it will never be capable of human understanding and discernment. One example of this is the results derived from A/B Testing, where researchers compare two versions of a marketing asset to see which one performs better. While it can show which campaign would run better, it cannot provide any new learning.  Can Machine Learning Go Wrong?: At this point, David discussed an imaginary scenario where even something as non-controversial as spam mail could become a problem if it was found that legitimate emails from businesses owned by people of color were found to be falsely marked as spam at an unequal rate, in comparison to people who are not of color. Aside from the inefficiency, the AI would become an unfair metric for emails and may even
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