Deep Machine Learning for Brain Scans. AI Helping Medical Advancements

Computers have helped drive the medical industry to better and faster diagnosis as well as helping to figure out new treatments for a variety of issues. Until recently, they have primarily relied on programming that uses a linear – or machine – learning model. This type of model is great if you already know the kind of thing that you need to know. Simple things like “does this person have lung cancer or is a brain tumor causing these problems?” But what happens when the situation is more complex? What happens when you don’t already know what you are looking for? What happens when you know there is a problem but don’t have any idea what it could be? How does a machine learning model handle that? In short, it doesn’t. A machine learning model can solve for ‘x’ very well so long it knows if ‘x’ is either apples or oranges. When ‘x’ might not even be fruit, you need a different approach. That’s why deep learning models have developed. These models try to mimic the way the human brain takes in and processes
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