On the latest interview episode of T-CAST, Alex and Jason joined Robert Sieger for a conversation. Robert wears a lot of hats. He has been Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and VP of Technology and currently employed as a CIO at Boomerang Carnets. Unless you are up on some of the finer points of international law you might be wondering what a carnet is. As Sieger describes them, they are a passport for stuff. Most countries have pretty tight controls on what you can and can’t bring in and out of them. This exists at least in part because of the desire to control trade. Howev
...er, there are certain businesses that frequently bring goods in and out of a country with no intention of selling them.
An example based on some of Boomerang’s clients is news crews. These have a large amount of equipment that goes with them into a number of different countries around the world. The carnets that Boomerang provides are essentially a way to record the movements of that equipment in order to ensureShow more