40 minute (FULL BODY BURN) No repeat and not equipment home workout to burn fat and burn calories.
It’s my birthday today so what better present than to gift you all with an amazing workout a day earlier! Like and share this video it would mean the world to me! That would be the best birthday present 🥰
This workout is a full body workout that you can do at home! No equipment needed and no repeats! Best workout to lose weight at home and burn fat! With a mix of cardio moves and full body moves you will burn calories and tone your muscles! Just follow along and I promise a good sweaty session with me!
TIP: Keep up your speed to really keep your heart rate high!
🏋️♀️ What to Expect:
Explosive cardio moves
Fat-burning exercises
Full-body engagement
Non-stop energy
TIME: 40 min
TIMER: 30/10
MOVES: 60 different moves
LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE to reach your fitness goals with me!💜
If you would like to show some extra support, it will help me improve my videos for you all! A little goes a long way xx click the link below
Links below to my favorites that are keeping me on track and improving my fitness: This is an extra way to support me while getting your hands on some goodies that will help you in your fitness journey!
Get your Creatine to improve your recovery, muscle gain and give you a little extra energy boost.. I have been taking it daily and feel more energized!
Track your workouts with an Apple Watch, it motivates me to workout more and see my results:
Add extra resistance to grow your booty, here are my favorite booty bands:
In need of a slip free yoga mat? Here is the cutest color as well
Tame your flyaways with a big pack of headbands, I know it saves me on my workouts
Stay hydrated with this 2L water bottle which also has a cleaning brush with it! It has helped me make sure I get my water intake.
Music to keep you moving, it’s easy to bring on the go!
Follow me on Instagram for video updates:
I love it when you guys tag me in your stories!
OUTFIT: Nobadaddiction
MUSIC: I use music from Epidemic sound! if you want to know more about them,
Click the first link below to be able to use music for your youtube channel! Free from copyright.
GEER: I film with my Iphone 12 mini and edit on VN
These workouts I put together are from experience. Please advise your doctor before starting this workout! Home based workouts have helped me start my fitness journey to feel amazing inside and out! So I would like to inspire and help you too. Please be careful and take care of your body, if you have any injuries contact your doctor to ask if these workouts are ok for you! I love creating workout routines and if it at least helps one person change their life it means the world to me! My motto is always spread love and find the positive in everything!💟
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