Move EVERY Migrant OUT of Hotels & into Migrant Camps - just as we did in 1940s.

As the Government announces it is purchasing tents to accommodate 2,000 migrants, our Senior Fellow Rafe Heydel-Mankoo told Reform Party Leader Richard on Talk TV: “there shouldn’t be a single migrant in a hotel room“. He pointed out that there are 50,000 migrants in hotel rooms in the UK. This is having a devastating impact on local economies, particularly in seaside towns which are so dependent on tourist income. Not only can’t tourists find a place to stay, they are intimidated and put off by visiting places with groups of young men loitering around. He explained that after WW2, 120,000 Polish soliders & Battle of Britain airmen who had fought so bravely for the UK, were housed in migrant camps along with their wives and children as they couldn’t return to Poland, which was now communist and under Stalin’s brutal control. If it was good enough for those families it should be good enough for today’s migrants, especially with advances in modern technology. Hotel rooms are also an attraction for illegal migration. Migrant camps would be more of a deterrence.
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