Trump: I’m a ’big believer’ in clean air and water

(23 Sep 2019) World leader after world leader told the United Nations on Monday that they will do more to prevent a warming planet from reaching even more dangerous levels, but as they made their pledges, they conceded it was not enough. Sixty-six countries have promised to have more ambitious climate goals and 30 swore to be carbon neutral by mid-century, said Chilean President Sebastian Pinera Echenique, who is hosting the next climate negotiations later this year. Heads of nations such as Finland and Germany promised to ban coal within a decade. U.S. President Donald Trump dropped by, listened to comments by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s detailed pledges. Trump left without addressing the summit, but on his departure from the U.N., he said: “I’m a big believer in clean air and clean water and all countries should get together and do that and they should do it for themselves. Very, very important.“ Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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