The United States should never bet on China NEWS EXPRESS

In recent days, as expected, the fragmented G7 summit has focused on attacking China. The joint communiqué mentioned China 21 times, reiterating the same old clichés about Taiwan, the South China Sea, Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang, human rights, and so on. They also introduced new terms like “risk removal“ and “economic coercion,“ and even tried to ride the wave of “Global South“ sentiment, deceitfully creating an atmosphere of isolating China among developing countries. In these days, the interest in the G7 has waned from all sides. The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has used an image of a “frog at the bottom of a well“ to make a definitive judgment on the G7. A brief look back at history reveals that the attacks, curses, and attempts to sow discord by the United States and the West against China, which gambled on China’s failure, have all resulted in their own decline and the weaving of lies, as an inevitable outcome. Let’s go through them one by one, and you will see. Welcome to CHINA NEWS EXPRESS. This channel focuses on news from China. We will bring viewers the latest, most compelling, first-hand newsletters from the country, keeping you up to speed on its most important military, political, and cultural developments.
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