Leningradsky Prospekt Moscow Russia. Summer Walk from Airport station to Dynamo station.

Leningradsky Prospekt (in common parlance - Leningradka; until 1957 - part of the Leningradskoye Highway; In 1915-1924 - part of the Petrogradskoye Highway; until 1915 - part of the Petersburg Highway) - an avenue in the Northern Administrative District of Moscow, one of the most important transport routes of the capital city. 00:00 Map of district 00:15 Monument to Ernst Thälmann Ernst Thälmann (German - Ernst Thälmann; April 16, 1886, Hamburg - August 18, 1944, Buchenwald concentration camp) - chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany (KKE) (1925-1933), deputy of the Reichstag (1924-1933). He ran twice in the presidential elections (1925, 1932). On the night of February 27-28, 1933, 1933, a fire broke out in the Reichstag. The National Socialists used it as an excuse to ban the Communist Party and arrest many prominent communists. Thälmann was arrested on March 3, two days before the elections, in which the communists received 4.8 million votes -
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