Female Brain Orgasm

Cool video showing the female brain during orgasm. The human brain can be separated into regions based on structure and function - vision, audition, body sensation, etc, known as Brodmann’s area map. This animation shows the functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI, brain data of a participant experiencing an orgasm and the corresponding relationships seen within these different regions based on utilization of oxygen levels in the blood. 20 snapshots in time of the fMRI data are taken from a 7 minute sequence. Over the course of the 7 minutes the participant approaches orgasm, reaches orgasm and then enters a quiet period. Oxygen utilization levels are displayed on a spectrum from dark red (lowest activity) to yellow/white (highest). As can be observed, an orgasm leads to almost the entire brain illuminating yellow, indicating that most brain systems become active at orgasm. Family Health Chiropractic 3736 Bee Cave Road #9 Austi
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