Unreal Engine 5 Early Access 2 - Oblivion’s Imperial City with NPCs and a new player character

In this video I showcase my latest work on Oblivion’s Imperial City. Echo, the previous main character, was replaced by a real Oblivion mesh rigged to UE’s mannequin. The former tied me to the VOTA project which was too resource hungry for my system. Now this project is independent and enables me to add more features without worrying about memory issues. The main character can change clothing at will but my preference is the Daedric suit ;) Mixamo was used for the wave animations. NPCs from the original game now walk around and greet the player when he gets near them. Rigging them was not an easy task but I’m happy with the result. Last but not least, I can now toggle between first and third person view (idea submitted by one of my viewers). I hope you find my city more lively now that lockdown is over :) Cheers, Greg
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