DWARF 2 Smart Telescope - In-depth Review & Results

Hey folks, sent me their newest smart telescope: DWARF II and here is my in-depth review and the results from different imaging nights. We cover: - Hardware specs - Use cases - App design and handling - Astro-modus - Imaging procedure - Pros and cons of DWARFII - final thoughts and recommendations I’ll show you my results of: - Jupiter and Moons (raw) - The Crab Nebula M1 (29min) - Pleiades (90min) - Double Cluster (120min) - Orion Nebula from Bortle 3 (100min) - Andromeda Galaxy (120min) Clear skies!! Disclaimer: DWARFLAB sent me DWARF2 for free to review this product here for you folks. I can keep the product but DWARFLAB had no editorial in this video whatsoever. This review is my personal take on DWARF2 after using it a couple of nights - nothing more and nothing less. Other reviews: @Cuiv, The Lazy Geek: @Ray’s Astrophotography h
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