Star Wars: The Old Republic (Original Soundtrack)

Music composed by Jesse Harlin, Gordy Haab, Mark Griskey, Wilbert Roget II, Henri Wilkinson, Lennie Moore, Samuel J. Smythe & Madison Denbrock. 0:00:00 Clash of Destiny 0:02:20 Glory, The Galactic Republic 0:08:24 Domination, The Sith Empire 0:14:21 Tython, The Wellspring 0:21:21 Justice, The Jedi Knight 0:27:04 Peace, The Jedi Consular 0:32:33 Korriban, The Homeworld 0:37:53 Deception, The Sith Warrior 0:43:01 Treachery, The Sith Inquisitor 0:48:44 Ord Mantell, The Battleground 0:55:06 Hope, The Republic Trooper 1:00:21 Bravado, The Smuggler 1:05:50 Nal Hutta, The Glorious Jewel 1:11:52 Villainy, The Imperial Agent 1:16:04 Scum, The Bounty Hunter 1:20:44 Coruscant, The Capital 1:27:23 Dromund Kaas, The Seat of Power 1:32:49 Taris, The Plague 1:39:31 Balmorra, The Forge 1:45:43 Nar Shaddaa, The Playground 1:51:47 Tatooine, The Desert Sands 1:57:17 Alderaan, The Throne 2:03:47 Hoth, The Frozen Wastes 2:10:13 Belsavis, The Ancient P
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