Knight Rider Meets Fast & Furious - Part 8!

Fast and Furious Meets The 80’s Action Classics again as Knight Rider, Airwolf, The A-Team, and now the Beverly Hills Cop join in! Part 8 of the crossover sees more backstory on Garthe Knight and KARR’s shenanigans and the race to stop them and Toretto back in Los Angeles!I If you haven’t seen the first seven parts, make sure to check them out here: 🎥 Part 1: 🎥 Part 2: 🎥 Part 3: 🎥 Part 4: 🎥 Part 5: 🎥 Part 6: 🎥 Part 7: or check out the full series playlist: NEW! Become a member of Lampoonery! to get much more from us: #knightrider #fastandfurious #thefastandthefu...rious #dominictoretto #beverlyhillscop #axelfoley #eddiemurphy #vindiesel #paulwalker #80sactionheroes #theateam #ateam #macgyver #magnumpi #airwolf #kitt #davidhasselhoff
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