Exploration of all maps in Free Camera Debug Cheat code feature - Spider-Man 2: The Game (PC)
Many years ago I’ve found the CheatCode variable in the file. I thought it’s useless. Then I’ve found “Cheats“ GUI button in the demo of this game. And I thought they didn’t implement any cheats and only planned to do this. BUT! THERE IS A REAL CHEAT CODE FEATURE! I’VE FINALLY FOUND IT!!!!! FREE CAMERA MODE! Now we can freely explore the game!
Actually, it’s not a ghost mode. FreeCam and Spidey are different things and you can’t spawn spidey in the location of your FreeCam. Wanna see a vid about ghost mode? Check this one:
I quickly explored the game and now I want to share this video with you and introduce you the guide how to use it!
1) Open the file in the System folder of your Spider-Man 2 game folder.
2) Find [] line. Add it after an empty string if there’s no such line.
3) There is a variable CheatCode. Add it if there isn’t.
4) Set this equal to “spiderjelly“. Yeah, it’s the cheat code, which I’ve found in the game source code. They just checked if the CheatCode variable equals to spiderjelly. They didn’t even encrypt it or something... But I really want to say thanks for this, because there would be no other way to use it.
So, the result is:
5) Bind “FreeCam“ to any button. There’s a button list in this file above. Also bind “PlaceFreeCam“ to the other button. Choose any free buttons you are comfortable with. That’s my choice:
6) Save file and close it.
That’s it! Now you can use your Free Camera! Use PlaceFreeCam to enter the free camera mode and use FreeCam to control the Spidey again! Actually, you can enter this mode using FreeCam command too, but you won’t be able to move your camera. Okay! I hope I made it clear and you will have fun with this mode! But if you don’t want to explore maps yourself, just watch my video! Here’s the timecodes of the most interesting moments and findings:
0:00 - Bronx
There’s also a place with the grey van and police car, but I didn’t show it, maybe cut the video wrongly... And I couldn’t find Rhino. He must be there, I can’t believe they just spawned him from nowhere...
0:32 - That’s why you can’t get on every roof...
The map looks like crap from this viewpoint!
I mean, it looks like crap from any viewpoint, but that’s just the worst...
0:55 - Just a skybox
It’s a common thing for unreal games, so it’s not some hidden out-of-bounds area or something like that...
1:58 - Bank
It looks really ugly from the outside... Could you imagine this?
3:15 - He’s so far from diamonds, but illusion is working
4:23 - Guys, get down from there!
6:37 - omg
7:07 - And here’s the normal aunt May room!
She wasn’t really sitting in the van. But why the hell did they make three low poly aunt Mays in the vans on the Bank map?
7:59 - I recommend you not to do like I did
You can interact with things as camera, but it’s better not to, because it breaks controls.
8:27 - Wow, this beam is awesome...
9:08 - What a weird room... What that woman was for?
9:52 - I think it’s the same shadow woman...
13:42 - Construction site
15:38 - Oscorp
Actually, if you open this map playing as Rhino (for example), you’ll be outside of the Oscorp and you’ll walk there freely. The same story with the Bank map.
15:54 - Such a lonely door... and it’s mine?
Or maybe not...
17:00 - The hell, three Rhinos????
Who the hell needs three Rhinos?
17:28 - Unused cannons?
19:09 - Mysterio 1
There’s nothing interesting, because every area of this map was available...
20:51 - Mysterio 2
22:08 - Hey! Creative skybox!
23:06 - Mysterio 3
23:52 - Under the Mysterio turret
24:19 - Another awesome skybox!
26:28 - Subway
I used Rhino here because I can. You can too if you watch this video:
26:56 - There ARE thugs behind these doors!
29:20 - Train
Actually, it looks really cool.
30:50 - It’s the location moving. Not train. Typical trick.
31:05 - Docks
35:17 - Final Battle
36:10 - I love these skyboxes
40:18 - Oh, Otto, my boy...
Well, that’s it... I hope you enjoy, because I’m really happy that I’ve found it! I think there’s even more small hidden details, that I didn’t show in this video. I hope you will use this mode. It gives us so many possibilities...
Walkthrough playlist:
Spider-Man 2 unused content video:
Debug videos:
Ghost mode enabled -
How to play as other characters -
In the search of the debug mode (first tricks found) -
More interesting debug features -
More cool cheats -
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