1 . Neither of them is Targeted Individual . How strange ? No microwaves , no direct energy , no gang stalking . Sweet life .
And , that is exactly WHY it took me some 7 years to figure out that I am T.I. These guys were my sources of information .
2. White Censorship on Marihuana Oil . Alex Jones was big on promoting colloidal silver medicine , and that is snake oil , that and all that kind of gadgets which only cost you money , but , nothing on Ganja . Why , because it works . Now , when whole world knows it is working , no the they gonna say something nice on it .
3. Illuminati promoted as 13 Blood Lines , the Elite . This way they were “ taken “ from your perspective . Who has contact with Windsors and Rothschilds ? But , it is not like that . Illuminati are apx 1 -2 % of total population , millions of them are around , whole nation of them . Some 20 - 30 % of them have natural telepathic powers , and they can influence mind directly . Icke and Jones are parts of that group . System cr
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