We made our own BOLLYWOOD Movie! (Mumbai, India)

Hindi and Punjabi subtitles are available ❤️ In this video of Living the Jo life, we immerse ourselves in the Bollywood film industry in Mumbai, India (also known as Hindi Cinema). Dancing, acting, drama, colorful outfits, singing, and romance are just some of the words that come to mind when thinking of Bollywood, and in this video, we not only experience but live all of these elements. Seven weeks before heading to Mumbai, we hired a private dance teacher to choreograph a Bollywood dance for us. We also developed our own acting script and hired a film company, an Indian male actor, backup dancers, Indian outfits and a sari draper. We filmed our Bollywood scenes in the Colaba Causeway Market and in front of the Gateway of India. We had an absolute ball and we got a lot of attention from people at the Gateway of India. In this video, we show you how we practiced our Bollywood dance, we vlog the behind-the-scenes of the acting and dancing in Mumbai, and we reveal the final Bollywood video
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