Jumping Off A Moving Train Is A Terrible Idea | WARNING - NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!

This is one of those videos I am not keen on showing for obvious reasons. This is my first attempt at train hopping for the hell of it, riding off into a random direction without a very specific destination. Upon checking the map earlier, I knew that I had to get off somewhere around that bridge area to avoid being detected at a station up ahead. However, the train wasn’t slowing down, so I thought the speed of the train was reasonable enough for me to jump off. It was not. The injuries could have been much worse, and I’m very glad that I didn’t face plant into the gravel or broken anything. Train hopping is a very dangerous activity, and there’s your proof of it. This was definitely a “good“ lesson. Have I learnt it to full extent? Lul, not really. I will do this again someday, but I will be much more wary next time. Yes, I am an idiot. I know that very well.
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