When A High Kick Makes You Fall.. (Muay Thai High Kick KO’s)

#MuayThai#High_Kick_KO’s When A High Kick Makes You Fall.. (Muay Thai High Kick KO’s) On the Issue of Cooperation and Interaction: @ Donation: YouTube: Instagram: High Kik - Laconic, Sudden, Effective .. A biting and sudden High Kik, with regular intervals, is the cause of knockouts in the rings of Thailand, as well as far beyond its borders. Typically, high kicks are something that every audience loves consistently. However, with external showiness, this amplitude strike, in a high-quality technical performance, combines laconic simplicity, ease of movement and heavy destructive potential. People want to watch competent, technical kick work in Muay Thai over and over again .. It’s no secret that a quality kick is primarily distinguished by the absence of anything superfluous. Rational minimalism in the trajectory and minimum energy cons
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