Karate & Aikido masters tribute / Tributo a los maestros de karate y aikido
This is a compilation of some karate and aikido masters. I want to show the oldest masters of that arts and their impresive abilities. Sorry for the bad quality, but some have more than 70 years.
In order of appearance:
-Kishomaru Ueshiba (9º Dan Aikido)
-Gozo Shioda (9º Dan Aikido)
-Gichin Funakoshi (Founder of SotoKan Karate)
-Morihei Ueshiba (Founder of Aikido)
-Shigeru Oyama (10º Dan Karate)
-Mas Oyama (Founder of Kyokushinkai Karate)
-Koichi Tohei (10º Dan Aikido)
-Chojun Miyagi (Founder of GojuRyu Karate)
-Kanryo Higaonna (Master of Nahate Karate)
-Kenwa Mabuni (Founder of ShitoRyu Karate)
-Sokon “Bushi“ Matsumura (Master of ShuriTe Karate)
-Kabun Uechi (Founder of UechiRyu Karate)
-Choki Motobu (Founder of MotobuRyu Karate)
Esta es una selección de algunos maestros de karate y aikido. Quiero mostrar algunos de los m