BTS - Spring Day from Bang Bang Con The Live 2020 [ENG SUB] [Full HD]

💜 Speaking about the concept and meaning behind “Spring Day“ during a V Live broadcast, RM stated that he wrote the lyrics when thinking of his middle and high-school mates, from whom he hadn’t heard in a long time. RM compared the song’s mood to that of the band’s 2015 singles, “I Need U“ and “Run“. Lyrically, the song uses a seasonal metaphor to compare the longing and separation from loved ones to “internal winter. The music video for the song was directed by YongSeok Choi and premiered on February 12, 2017. Inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin’s novella “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas“ (1973...) and Bong Joon-ho’s movie Snowpiercer (2013), the video explores the concepts of death, afterlife, and closure. Several fans and media publications speculated that the visual references the Sewol Ferry Disaster that took place on April 16, 2014, which left more than 300 students missing or dead. In this regard, RM stated that the video focuses
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