RORY - Complete Ashfur MAP

Rory was originally hosted by Lunepools/Virtualantlers in 2018, but they were unable to continue hosting the project. This map has always been very important to me and I wanted to see it finished so I’m honored to have been given this opportunity to share the final project with you all. Thank you so much to everyone who helped me with this project along the way, you were all so kind to me and I loved working with you all so much and I hope I get that chance again someday. Thank you Lunepools and the rest of the participants for bringing this map to life. 0:00 - CelestialTabris 0:26 - Shelly Key 0:35 - roarasaurus 0:43 - Going-In-Cakeless 0:53 - Zackaree 1:01 - RainingMountains SolarSparky
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