Self Realization with Sahajayoga Meditation | 16 Languages | 03 Jan 2020 | 09 AM to 09 PM

You are watching Sindhi Program Live Now (9 AM to 9 PM) Get you Self Realisation with Kundalini Awakening and understand the Seven Chakras, Three Nadis and Kundalini Power residing within your body in your own language during day long online SahajaYoga Meditation program on 3rd January 2021 from 9 AM to 9 PM 16 Languages - 16 Programs for 12 Hours 3 जनवरी, 2021 को परम पूज्य श्रीमाताजी निर्मला देवी प्रणीत सहज योग का 16 भाषाओं में होनेवाले पूर्णतः निशुल्क ऑन-लाइन आत्म साक्षात्कार व कुण्डलिनी जाग्रति से अवश्
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