Global Rally Against Complicity in Gaza Genocide

Global Rally Against Complicity in Gaza Genocide: Defund genocide, NOT aid to the genocided ** Given several North American and European governments’ unconscionable decision to defund the UN aid agency for Palestinians (UNRWA) - even as the International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel is plausibly committing genocide in Gaza, including through deprivation of humanitarian aid - we are organizing a global online rally to demand the defunding of genocide, and refunding of aid to the targets of genocide. Speakers include Angela Davis, Gabor Maté, Ronnie Kasrils, Roger Waters, Michael Lynk, Shawan Jabarin, Vijay Prashad, Noura Erakat, El Jones, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Susan Abulhawa, Jonathan Kuttab and many others. Moderated by Azeezah Kanji and Bianca Mugyenyi Hosted by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, Just Peace Advocates, FORSEA, Free Rohingya Coalition, OPRA and Speaking Out Loud.
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