This Day Aria (Colt Version) - Victor Frost

EDIT: A lot of you have asked for me to record the reprise. Sure, I’d be more than happy to... once final exams are over. Or at least this week (dear god, this week... *shakes head*). You folks have been incredible, though. When I first put this video up, I thought it would get about the same reaction as my “Pinkie’s Brew“ cover (i.e. not much.). Next thing I know, my phone is pinging every few minutes with a new email notification about a comment being posted. Then one of my coworkers on the “Love is Magic“ team tells me it hit EqD. Holy Crap. XD Anyway, since you guys seem to like my portrayal of the evil changeling king and since I need more practice doing that kind of voice, I’ve got an idea. I’ve gone ahead and made a (you guessed it) Ask King Metamorphosis Tumblr blog. Since I can’t draw for beans (really, I’m terrible) I’ll be answering questions with audio. For aspiring audio engineers, I’ll be posting along with them full transcripts. Th
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