Super Soldier Talk - Our Intergalactic Councils - Peter from

Quellvideo: WER STECKT HINTER DEN IRDISCHEN RELIGIONEN? DIESE “RELIGION-REGELN“ GELTEN NICHT FÜR DIE “GÖTTER“ SELBST, NUR FÜR DIE INSASSEN DIESER “MATRIX-REALITÄT“. Wes Penre nennt dies die . = Alien Invader Force @581355296-wes-penre-papers-galactic-history Min. 18. - for millions of years it was Council of 10 - and then Council of Nine* and then Council of 5 Min. 20 - we are simply here, to follow the rules Listen in as Peter shares insider information about various ET councils including Corteum, Labyrinth Group, Overseers, Council of Five, Numbers Group, Ashtar Command, Intergalactic Confederation, The Blue Avians - and discover the underground location of Monarch Solutions Concil of Nine:
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