DON CARLO - Caballe, Aragall, Bumbry, Bruson, Estes - Orange, 1984 - English subtitles

Theatre Antique d’Orange, 13 July 1984. English subtitles. Caballe was amazing Elisabetta di Valois in her Don Carlo recordings from 1960-70s. This performance, her only videotaped Don Carlo, is of a much later date, but she is still impressive here. Don Carlo is sung by another great, though less known singer - Catalonian tenor Jaume Aragall. Grace Bumbry, Renato Bruson and Simon Estes round up a great ensemble. Music: GIUSEPPE VERDI Elisabetta di Valois - MONTSERRAT CABALLE La Principessa d’Eboli - GRACE BUMBRY Don Carlo - JAUME ARAGALL Rodrigo - RENATO BRUSON Filippo II, Re di Spagna- SIMON ESTES Voce dal cielo - EWA GODLEWSKA Il Grande Inquisitore - LUIGI RONI Un Frate - OLIM SADOULLAIEV Tebaldo - PIERRETTE DELANGE Orchestre National de France Conductor - THOMAS FULTON Director - JEAN-CLAUDE AUVRAY Chorus master - JACQUES JOUINEAU 02:19 - Atto I 05:00 - Carlo Il Sommo Imperatore 08:45 - Io l’ho Perduta 12:3
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