Michael Jackson - Liberian Jam | VideoMix (GMJHD)

With two lovers in a scene, And she says: “Do you love me“, And he says so endlessly: “I love you, Liberian girl“ Thank you for watching, be sure to leave feedback! Subscribe: GMJHD ➜ GMJ2 ➜ Personal Channel ➜ Donate: PayPal (GMJHD) ➜ Follow me: INSTAGRAM (@gmjhdvideos) ➜ TWITTER (@GMJHDvideos) ➜ SPOTIFY (Swift GM) ➜ DISCOGS (GMJHD) ➜ “Love is what makes life alive, joyful, and new. It’s the juice and energy that motivates my music, my dancing, everything. As long as love is in my heart, it’s everywhere.” – Michael Jackson
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