Florida has been attracting visitors to its shores since 1513, when Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León discovered this place and named it in honour of Spain’s “pascua florida“ - an Easter festival of flowers. Florida became the 27th state on March 3rd, 1845.
Our series of US geography videos “Visit the 50 States,“ gives you a little history and interesting facts about each state. For every state, you’ll learn when it entered the Union, what’s its motto, how did it get its nickname, and see what the flag, seal, and state capitol building all look like. We’ll find the state capital on the map! There’s also fun trivia - do you know the state tree, flower, and bird? Watch and find out!
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The 50 States: Explore the USA with 50 fact-filled maps!
National Geographic Our 50 States
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Tour Guide: Michael Kelly
Directed by Michael Harrison
Written & Produced by Kimberly Hatch Harrison
Edited by Andriy Kostyuk
Creative commons picture credits:
South Miami Beach (Art Deco Buildings)
Author: Massimo Catarinella
Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine
Author: Excel23
South Beach Florida
Author: Hubo
Daytona Beach with tourists
Author: Pat Williams
Panama City Beach
Author: Bart Everson
Goliath Grouper at Esso Bonaire Scuba Diving Jupiter, Florida
Author: Geraldecarroll
Diver searching shipwreck off Key Largo
Author: Aquaimages
Author: Greudin
Airboating in Florida Everglades
Author: jiron (John O’Neill)
Fishing in the Florida keys
Author: Ellen Levy Finch (Elf)
Kennedy Space Center
Author: Slammer111
Magic Kingdom Disneyworld
Author: Lee Bailey
Florida Old State Capitol with new State Capitol behind
Author: GlobeTrotter
Northern Mockingbird
Author: Captain-tucker