AURORA - Apple Tree

Listen to AURORA: “Apple Tree is about the potential that hides in all of us. We can all save the world if we put our minds to it. The world won’t listen to scientific proof that the world is dying, so maybe it will listen to the dreamers, the children. In a bleeding world the power of the individual is our only hope. Let her save the world. Let him save them all. Believe in us, and maybe we’ll be the generation that saves the world, rather than the one that killed it” – AURORA LYRICS All of my life, I’ve been hunting, I’ve been a girl, I’ve been a boy, digging my feet into the ground, like an apple tree wanting to live with a purpose. Skin is a word, love is not a sin.. people are bad people are good Just like the moon is a stone, but it’s a star when it’s dark and now she’s hiding If you’ve seen what a heart is. You’ve seen its colour If I ever knew how we could guide it I would take care of its childre
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