Dance: ‘Cooking with Flowers’ – Flower Cuisine |《非遗里的中国》创新秀演节目《花馔》——一支舞蹈看遍四季花卉盛宴 | CNODDT

Choreographer: Li Shibo Composer: Ji Peng Dancer: Wang Xuerou Rich in fragrance and nutrition, the poetic charm of China’s floral cuisine follows seasonal changes. Inspired by seasonal picks such as cherry blossoms in spring and water lilies in summer, chrysanthemums in autumn and jasmines in winter, “Cooking with Flowers“ feasts this intangible cultural heritage via classical Chinese dance performed by CNODDT dancer Wang Xuerou. This performance is an excerpt from the CCTV cultural program “Intangible Cultural Heritages of China“ which revives Chinese intangible cultural heritages through innovative, aesthetic and immersive performances. 编导:李世博 作曲:吉鹏 演员:王雪柔 以花入馔,味蕾芬芳;四时馥郁,雅韵绵长。创新秀演节目《花馔》,舞出延续千年、流转四季的舌尖上的浪漫。 中国歌剧舞剧院舞者 #王雪柔 用一支舞蹈带你看遍四季盛宴,赏冬时茉莉之初蓓,尝春时樱花之烂漫,闻夏时睡莲之幽香,饮秋时金菊之甘甜。 该作品选自中央广播电视总台大型文化节目《#非遗里的中国》,在一舞一曲中阐释中国非遗的创新成果、历史底蕴、中国智慧、东方美学,带领观众体验传统非遗的“活化”绽放。 Follow us! Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Dancing China YouTube: @dancingchina2232 TikTok: @cnoddt_dancingchina #Dance #Choreography #Dancer #ChineseDance #Hanfu #PerformingArts #DancingChina #CNODDT #中国歌剧舞剧院 #ChinaArt #ChineseCulture #China #Theater
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