Rihanna “Diamonds” with “Gold Body Paint Art“ videos and pics by Vincenzo Recchia

I added a few pics and video by the others, including famous pics of Paris Hilton for Rich Prosecco Champagne Ad in December 2007. “Gold Body Paint Art“ Original gold body painting art videos and photos by Vincenzo Recchia. He is a Creative Photographer _ TAU VISUAL member, Lives in Turin, Italy. via Candia 26 Barone Canavese ( To ) 10100 Italia “Diamonds” It’s a song recorded by Rihanna (1988- , a Barbadian singer, businesswoman, and actress) for her seventh studio album, Unapologetic (2012). It was written by Sia together with its producers, Benny Blanco and Stargate. “Diamonds“ topped music charts in over twenty countries, where it became Rihanna’s twelfth number-one single on the Billboard Hot 100 and tied her with Madonna and the Supremes for the fifth-most number-one singles in the chart’s history. #GoldBo
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