Bana is a collaboration between Danheim and Gealdýr.
The lyrics comes from hávamál stanza 15 in Old Norse means Revenge.
A Viking song about continuing and exploring life with a brave heart,
just as we imagine our folk and kin did back in the Viking age.
Check out Gealdýr here:
Get the song here:
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Old Norse:
Ok vígdjarft vera
glaðr ok reifr
skyli gumna hverr
unz sinn bíðr bana
Ok vígdjarft vera;
glaðr ok reifr
skyli gumna hverr,
unz sinn bíðr bana.
Ósnjallr maðr
hyggsk munu ey lifa
skyli gumna hverr
unz sinn bíðr bana
Ósnjallr maðr
hyggsk munu ey lifa
skyli gumna hverr
unz sinn bíðr bana
And be battle brave
Glad and cheerful
each man should be,
Till the day of his death has come
And be battle brave
Glad and cheerful
each man should be,
Till the day of his death has come
An unwise man believes
That he shall live forever
each man should be
Till the day of his death has come
An unwise man believes
That he shall live forever
each man should be
Till the day of his death has come
Havamal 15, 16
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