Kamchatka, Russia. Aerial travel video

AirPano creates 360-videos but “classic“ videos perfectly reflect the earth’s beauty, too. A good example is the works of our friend and aerial video footage colleague Vladimir Kushnaryov. The publications of this kind will be gathered into a separate playlist and constantly updated. Sign up to see new videos created by Vladimir. Now let our friend talk for himself. Everything in the world goes round. From the birth and flourishing to extinction and complete fusion with the Universe. It’s not us who determine whether this circle is large or small, although we are sure of the opposite. The two circles of life – one deep in the ocean and the other on land – go most all their way independently of each other, but there is a place on earth where they will intersect and become a common story. A survival story. This place is called Kamchatka. Every autumn herds of millions of ocean-going salmon are filled up with fry who slip into the ocean from swift freshwater rivers. And f
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