Home fencing training: cardio fencing-footwork exercises 홈트레이닝 펜싱 기본기 풋워크 지구력, 균형, 조정훈련 击剑居家体能训练

[펜싱 홈트레이닝, 펜싱 기본기, 펜싱 풋워크] We are going to do the cardio footwork using 10 basic fencing movements. Make sure to do an adequate warm-up and stretch before we start. You can do 1,2 or 3 sets depending on your level of fitness - don’t overdo it. Each exercise will last 20 seconds followed by a 10second break. During the break, you can either relax or walk around to stay active. We will also take a 1min break between rounds. If you want to go hard, put your shoes on. Thanks for watching! Timestamps: Round 1: 0:25 Round 2: 6:15 Round 3: 12:09 The list of exercises are as follows: 1. Fencing squats. 2. Fencing squats(switch side). 3. One advance & retreat, two advance & retreat, three advance & retreat. 4. Front foot jump on the spot en-garde. 5. Back foot jump on the spot en-garde. 6. 2steps on the spot & 2advance and 2steps on the spot & 2retreat. 7. Lunge drop-down. 8. Lunge drop-down(switch side). 9. 1step lunge and recover 2retreat. 10. 1step lunge and recover 2retreat.(switch side). 👉 Contact Email: yoon
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