FULL SHOW: Blast rocks Kabul killing 5; China denies presence in region

An explosion in the Afghan capital of Kabul on Sunday marked the first deadly attack since the US pulled out troops in August. The latest reports say five civilians were killed and four injured in an attack during a funeral. While no one claimed responsibility, the Taliban reported that they destroyed an Islamic State cell in the northern part of the country’s Capital. Meanwhile, the Taliban is also responding to reports that lights were seen at the Bagram Air Base for the first time since the US left after two decades. But they are joining Beijing denying reports that China has sent troops to the region. RT’s Murad Gazdiev has the latest. (1:06) Then, former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and President of the Schlafly Eagle Forum Ed Martin join a panel to discuss. (5:16) It’s a revelation that is already being called story of the year, the largest leak of offshore data ever is said to give new insight into the secret deals and hidden assets of some of the richest and most powerful people in the wor
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