FULL SHOW: Pivoting to the Pacific, Japan & Taiwan play war games against China

With the US officially out of Afghanistan, could this be a moment for a full-scale ‘pivot to the pacific’? American foreign policy continues to increase its focus on China, and that is having ripple effects on America’s allies in the region. Japan and Taiwan are holding military drills this week. For the first time ever, South Korea has launched a ballistic missile from a submarine, a feat seen as a clear step ahead in military technology and readiness. RT America’s Alex Mihailovich has more (1:26). RT’s Murad Gazdiev reports on the grilling of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, after claiming he ‘doesn’t know’ who was hit in a recent American drone strike in Afghanistan. (6:00) Then, former UK MP George Galloway shares his perspective on the US pivot to the pacific. (8:55) Internal documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal reveal that Facebook, the owners of Instagram, know that Instagram is toxic to girls’ mental and emotional health. But since doing anything to ‘fix’ that problem mig
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