(episode 1) Don Quixote Act 1 Kitri variation - 28 ballerinas for comparison
If you become tired of the song, watch the video without audio - it’s less exhausting and you see more details and differences. /// This video is made with youtube material, it’s non-commercial (If you see ads it’s because the copyright owners monetarized it) and the purpose is to focus and concentrate on differences in ballet performances. Many thanks to all who bring ballet videos to youtube. Watch the full length originals here:
0:48 1 Nina Ananiashvili
1:27 2 Aurelie Dupont
2:28 3 Paloma Herrera
3:27 4 Alessandra Amato
4:26 5 Maria Kochetkova
5:18 6 Olga Pavlova
6:11 7 Svetlana zakharova
7:00 8 Sylvie Guillem