【碰碰原创曲|木兰】古筝与大提琴“万里赴戎机,关山度若飞”Jingxuan’s original song“MU LAN”

《木兰》 作曲:彭静旋;郭彗木 编曲:何天程 古筝:彭静旋 大提琴:Felix Nunes@FelixNunes 混音/谱务:肖筱舟;郭彗木 《木兰》我的第一首原创曲目来啦! 这次的尝试是想要通过音乐来呈现木兰替父从军的故事~木兰的故事是鲜活而多面的,随着时间的行进,慢慢展开。这次的创作通过四个音乐动机,表达木兰作为一个女性角色的多面性和心路历程——木兰同时拥有的柔软的一面和刚强果断的一面。 古筝和大提琴交织,演绎木兰替父从军路。 我们每一个新时代的女子,心中也都有一个木兰。漫漫征途未能扰我心志,我心之坚定,仿若星辰永恒。 “Mulan“ Composer: Peng Jingxuan; Guo Huimu Arranger: He Tiancheng Guzheng: Peng Jingxuan Cello: Felix Nunes Mixing: Guo Huimu “Mulan“ my first original song is here! This attempt is to present the story of Mulan joining the army in place of her father through music. Mulan’s story is vivid and multi-faceted, and slowly unfolds over time. This creation uses four musical motives to express Mulan’s versatility and mental journey as a female character - Mulan has both a soft side and a strong and decisive side. Guzheng and cello are intertwined to interpret Mulan’s journey to replace her father in the army. Every woman of our new era also has a Mulan in her heart. The long journey has not disturbed my determination, but my heart is as firm as the stars are eternal.
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