I’m A Stranger Here -- Five Man Electrical Band

My second video! I like this one -- the timing’s nearly perfect! Anyway, this is my favourite song in the whole wide world, and I was disappointed when I couldn’t find it on here. ’Course, that was a couple months ago, and I just learned someone uploaded it, but that’s okay. Hope you like it! Edit: For those who complain about my saying “video“ instead of “slideshow“ - seriously? It’s vernacular. I’m not stupid: I know the difference between videos and slideshows, I just use “video“ because I’m not wrighting a frickin’ essay. Everybody on Youtube says it. Even YOUTUBE refers to them as “videos“. Unless you want to e-mail the owners of Youtube, and personally comment on every video that dares to call itself a *gasp* video instead of a slideshow, you’re fighting a losing battle.
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