Lotus Elise rear-ended (inside cam)

My Elise was heavily damaged when it was struck from behind by another driver who hadn’t seen it slow in traffic. My wife was driving at the time, you can see the outside cam here: Update 5th April 2021 - seems YouTube’s algo is recommending this old video to the world - hi everyone! Some more info based on the comments: - The car was badly damaged but fully repaired at a cost of about £6k. It’s in my garage right now waiting to be used when the UK’s weather is a little better :-) - My wife wasn’t hurt, she had a sore neck for a few days, but didn’t require any medical treatment. - The speed of impact was estimated by the police to be about 45-50mph. - The driver who hit my car was prosecuted by the police for driving without due care and attention. From memory the person received a small fine and had to do a ’driver awareness course’ which is quite common in the UK. - When we go out as a family, my wife
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