Watercolour Demonstration - Plein Air from Malmesbury UK on a rainy day! Know when to give up! #40

A quickie video and a live plein air painting demo from Tim Wilmot - and a few minutes into the painting it started to rain - as it does often in the UK in the summer! Anyway, maybe a bit of an insight in how to paint in damp conditions and know when to give up. More paintings for sale at Please support my work via . Make a small donation and I will give you a personal critique in return! In this demo I will be covering... 1) Choice of Subject. What makes a good watercolor subject. How to simplify the scene. 2) Materials I use such as the paper. I will also cover the paints I use and the palette, plus how I hold the different brushes for different techniques. 3) Doing the outline sketch as the first step. 4) Doing the sky and the first wash of the background and then the foreground grass. 5) Shadows and details of the objects and a figure. 6) Watch out
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