All of My GREENS | Showing ALL Green Watercolors I’ve Got (Multiple Brands)
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Hey there, Liron here!
In today’s video I want to share with you all of the green watercolor paints I have.
These are of Winsor & Newton, Schmincke and Daniel Smith.
Here are the colors in the correct order:
1. Winsor (aka Phthalo) Green (Winsor & Newton)
2. Phthalo Green (Schmincke)
3. Olive Green (Schmincke)
4. Perylene Green (Schmincke)
5. Undersea Green (Daniel Smith)
6. Sap Green (Daniel Smith)
7. Green Apatite Genuine (Daniel Smith)
8. May Green (Schmincke)
I also thought it would be cool to actually visually represent them in the way I own them (tubes, pans and inside palette wells).
I hope you enjoyed this one, and I’ll see you in another video real soon (;
- Liron