Winsor Green (Blue Shade) - Winsor & Newton | The Paint Show 7
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Hi friends! Welcome to episode 7 of... The Paint Show!!
In this episode we’ll finally look at a brand different than Daniel Smith! =P
This time I’m reviewing the Winsor Green, by the Winsor & Newton brand. It’s an artist grade paint, and should be of really high quality.
The tube I got is a tiny 5ml tube, because to tell you the truth - I’m not a big fan of cool greens (why did I even get this one? haha).
*** Fun info ***
Winsor & Newton brand decided, somewhere around the 1930’s, to change the word Phthalo to Winsor, and so they have tons of Phthalos that are called Winsors.
This is one of them :D
So this is
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