Elephants call each other by unique names, like humans

Elephants may be the only animals besides humans to come up with arbitrary names for each other, according to an analysis of recordings using machine than 600 recordings made by Poole and others have now been analysed by Michael Pardo at Colorado State University and his analysis found that some calls from African savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) seem to contain name-like components specific to certain individuals. What’s more, those individuals know their names, responding more strongly than others do when calls addressed to them are played back on a speaker. Learn more ➤ Subscribe ➤ Get more from New Scientist: Official website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: About New Scientist: New Scientist was founded in 1956 for “all those interested in scientific discovery and its social consequences”. Today our website, videos, newsletters, app, podcast and print magazine cover the world’s most important, exciting and entertaining science news as well as asking the big-picture questions about life, the universe, and what it means to be human. New Scientist
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