Learn How to Paint CATCHING FALL LEAVES with Acrylic - Paint and Sip at Home - Step by Step Tutorial

VIDEO DESCRIPTION - This painting tutorial will take you through easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to paint this fun and exciting impressionistic portrait landscape image of “CATCHING FALL LEAVES“ with an energetic mystical feel and realistic look to it. You’ll learn how to paint this country scene with inspirational imagery and imagination floating down from the tree into the palm of the young girls hand. Learn how to use simple painting techniques for blending the background for added depth and atmospheric dimension. You can personalize the type of tree, type of landscape, or colors, to symbolize your favorite place, time of year, or location. Maybe you paint a winter scene, instead of autumn, with snow on the ground, no leaves on the tree and icicles or snow flakes in the sky, or paint a spring scene with flowers blooming from the branches, perhaps a night scene would be lovely with a bright moon and stars. Or you could paint a boy and a girl playing with the leaves. This is
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