【KASSO】Japanese Skateboarding TV show  (English Subtitles)

KASSO is one of the latest television shows produced by, and aired on TOKYO BROADCASTING SYSTEM TELEVISION INC. a Japanese terrestrial TV station and media conglomerate known for global hit formats such as NINJA WARRIOR and Takeshi’s Castle. ----------------------------- The First Stage: Midoriyama Downhill Skaters compete for the fastest time down a 400-meter long, 30-meter high slope. The Second Stage: UZUSHIO A special SPIRALING course that’s 40 meters long. Have you ever seen anything like that? The Final Stage: Tokyo Upside Down The massive course comprises two blocks. First, the 130-meter block must be finished in 31 seconds. In the second block, skaters must get through the closing MILLION GATE without touching it, and finally win a million yen! ----------------------------- 2週連続で放送するスケートボード特番『KASSO』 国内屈指の凄腕スケーターたちが、総工費1億円の超巨大セットで完全制覇を目指す! 見事100万円を手にする者は現れるのか…🔥 【見逃し配信】 U-NEXT Paraviコーナー #KASSO #スケボー #スケートボード #ストリート #滑走
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